Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Playoff picks

In order to determine the winner between Chuck and Wally, the pool will extend into the playoffs, as follows:
  • Both players' picks will reset this week - any team playing this week is eligible to be picked by either player.  As usual, picks made will then be off the board going forward.
  • Picks are due by NOON on Saturday each week, unless a game is scheduled to start earlier than that, in which case the pick must be submitted before the first kickoff.  
  • If a player does not submit a pick in time, they will be assigned the worst-ranking team playing that week per the final ESPN power rankings (http://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/18395280/).  If the worst-ranked team has already been picked by that player, it will move to the next-worst team that has not yet been picked by that player in the playoff round.
  • If both players are eliminated in the same week, the contest will extend for another week until there is a single winner.
  • If no single winner is determined before the Super Bowl, both players will submit a tiebreaker score along with their pick for the week.  The tiebreaker score, if needed, will be the total points scored in the Super Bowl.  If somehow there's still a tie after that... I'll figure something out. :)
Good luck, Wally and Chuck!